- Introduction
- Services
- Solutions
- Tax Breaks and Incentives

50% (ex 36%) TAX RELIEF
It's a relief that consists in an IRPEF reduction, granted to people who spend money for interventions in houses or common condominium areas.
The State will return the 50% of the expense to those who invests in a service for which is provided a tax relief. The return occur by a "discount" on IRPEF, divided in 10 instalments during the year.
Moreover, the state applies the 10% VAT on those interventions.
Mr. Rossi sustains a 10.000 E expense relatively to an intervention where is provided a 50% tax relief .
Mr. Rossi, taking advantage of the opportunity, makes the simple way to get the relief, and from the next year he will find an increase of 500E in his salary, and that will happen for 10 years.
Therefore, the State reduces Mr.Rossi's income taxes by 50% of the sustained expenses (5000E), distributing the benefit in a 10 years period.
In June, 10 years later of the expense, minor taxes traduces in an augmented salary.
Many interventions will provide the 50% tax relief, here are some examples:
- Ordinary and extraordinary manutentions, conservative restoration, building renovation, realized in all of the common parts of residential buildings;
- Extraordinary manutentions on single residential properties;
- Interventions aimed to energy savings;
- Ratification of the systems.
People who pays for intervetions can benefit from this relief, and they should be: owners, usufructuary, tenants or borrowers of the property where the intervention was made.
Also the family can benefit from this relief, only if will sustain the entire expense or at least a part of it.
Sure. To a pensioner who receives the minimum salary, the State deduces more than 1200E on IRPEF per year.
This allows to benefit of the 50% relief, so you can afford an intervention also over 24000E and completely recover the 50% of it in a period of 10 years.
Expenses about interventions not exceeding 96000E (only in the regulated situations) for every single house are deductible.
From 1st January 2014 the tax relief reduced to 36%, with a minimum expense of 48000E.
It's simple, you must only observe 2 shrewdnesses:
- Being regular with the authorizations;
- The payment must be made by bank transfer. The transfer should necessary indicate the normative reference to: Legge 449/1997 and further modifications, art 16-bis of TUIR, fiscal code of payers and VAT number or fiscal code of the payment's beneficiary.